
Braden Lang


It is the duty of the sheriff to serve, execute and return writs or other legal process issued by a lawful authority. The sheriff shall prepare and file an annual inventory statement of county personal property in his or her custody. It is the duty of the sheriff to keep the peace, apprehend criminals and perform other duties as peace officer. The sheriff may appoint deputies but such deputies may not be the county treasurer, clerk, register of deeds or surveyor.

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Vehicle inspections are required for:

  • all vehicles, ATVs, minibikes and trailers brought into Nebraska from Out-of-State
  • all Assembled Vehicles and assembled ATVs and minibikes
  • a vehicle, ATV or minibike with a Salvage Certificate of Title when making application for a regular Certificate of Title (title will be branded “Previously Salvaged” and brand will be carried forward on all title issued thereafter)
  • all Applications for Assigned ID Number, [Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for a motor vehicle], including applications submitted for apportioned vehicles. Assigned ID Number Applications for a Hull Identification Number(HIN) for motorboats do not require a Sheriff's Inspection Form
  • all ATVs and minibikes when no title document is surrendered
  • any time the Department of Motor Vehicles or County Treasurer requests an inspection to determine if the vehicle meets the definition of motor vehicle

You will be required to produce ownership documentation at the time of inspection. If there is a lienholder or leasing company who has possession of the title document, you will need to contact the County Treasurer in your county of residence so they can request the title from the lienholder or leasing company. Ask the County Official to notify you when the title has arrived so you can obtain a copy of the title for the Vehicle Inspection.

The fee for a Sheriff's Inspection is $10.00.  
We accept cash or checks for the inspection fee.

Taken from the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicle website

Pursuant to Nebraska Statute 69-2403 a firearm purchase certificate is required to purchase, lease, rent, or received a handgun.  This law applies to both retail and private party transactions.  This law also prohibits selling, leasing, renting, or transferring a handgun to a person who does to possess a handgun certificate.  Please view the following link for further details and certificate exceptions.

Please contact the Pawnee County Sheriff's Office at 402-852-2969 if you have any further questions.


Fingerprinting for criminal background checks is currently being done by the Pawnee County Sheriff's Office at a fee rate of $5.00.  Cards are available at the office for printing.  Please contact Nancy at 402-852-2969 to set up an appointment for being fingerprinted.